NY Daily News Covers Dugger Law Firm Class Action: “Ex-de Blasio administration worker alleges widespread retaliation for discrimination complaints, according to federal lawsuit”

The New York Daily News recently covered the class action lawsuit filed by The Dugger Law Firm, PLLC on behalf of Former Mayor’s Office of Appointments Special Counsel and Deputy Director of Vetting Martha Perez-Pedemonti:

“A one-time de Blasio administration employee charges she became the target of retaliation — a practice that she says was widespread during the last mayor’s term — after she filed complaints about racial discrimination on the job, according to a new Manhattan Federal Court lawsuit.

The 114-page class action filing by former Mayor’s Office of Appointments Special Counsel and Deputy Director of Vetting Martha Perez-Pedemonti also cites a hostile work environment during her time at the agency — which ended in Jan. 31, 2020, when she claims she was driven to quit after struggling with mental health issues related to her work. . . . .

The city was also cited for ‘a pattern, practice, policy and/or custom of retaliation against employees’ making complaints to the city concerning commissioners, agency heads, and/or EEO officers.

The lawsuit also makes a class action claim on behalf of city workers who filed EEO complaints against the city, asking for a reevaluation of complaints previously found to be unsubstantiated.” (link)

- Larry McShane, New York Daily News, Aug 06, 2022

The press release for the lawsuit is available here
