Haunted by The (Standing) Dead?: Zombie Homes Plaugue NYC

Is your neighborhood haunted by the (standing) dead?:

Brooklyn and Queens are plagued with “zombie” properties — homes abandoned by their owners and banks that fail to complete the foreclosure process.
New York currently has 807 of the deserted homes, which can waste away for years as lenders fail to maintain them.
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State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman pushed a bill that would force mortgage holders to care for the properties. It failed to pass this legislative session.

'Zombie homes are a drain on families and communities and place undue burden on thinly stretched municipal resources,' said Melissa Grace, an AG spokeswoman. 'We look forward to working with the legislature . . . next session.' (link)

Mandatory Foreclosure Conference Extension Bill Passes NY Legislature

The New York legislature has passed legislation extending important protections for New York homeowners in foreclosure for an additional five years past their February 2015 expiration date.  Many advocates (as covered here) had argued stridently for passage of this bill, which now awaits the signature or veto of Governor Cuomo.

As explained in an email blast from the the Empire Justice Center:

Dear Friends,
Empire Justice Center is thrilled to share the news that the  State Legislature has passed critical legislation that will ensure that New York homeowners have access to settlement conferences for another five years.  The conferences have been invaluable and have prevented thousands of New Yorkers from losing their homes once a foreclosure case is filed against them, as had previously been happening prior to the institution of the settlement conferences.

Since 2010, lenders and homeowners in all residential home loan cases have been required to meet to see if the parties can reach a mutually agreeable resolution, such as a loan modification or other workout, to avoid loss of the home.  Unfortunately, the numbers project record high foreclosures still to come in New York.  The continuation of the settlement conferences, as well as continuation of an early warning notice to homeowners in default and a notice to tenants in buildings being foreclosed upon, are vital consumer protections that will remain in place.  We especially want to thank Senator Jeff Klein and Assemblymember Helene Weinstein, for sponsoring and championing these vital consumer protections five years ago and ensuring their continuation this year.

Kudos to them, to the NYS legislature, and to the many consumer advocacy groups that worked to support the passage of this bill.

In solidarity,
Kirsten E. Keefe, Senior Attorney

Additional coverage by the Daily News here:

"Senate Co-Leader Jeffrey Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester) announced Wednesday that the State Senate voted 56 - 1 in favor of his legislation that would extend vital foreclosure prevention measures and homeowner protections for an additional five years beyond the February 2015 expiration date. These protections include extending the requirement for lenders to provide 90 notice of foreclosure and mandatory settlement conferences for all home loans. An expiration of these protections would have meant that tens of thousands of New York homeowners in pre-foreclosure were in serious danger of losing their homes. The State Assembly passed the legislation on June 2nd. The legislation now awaits New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s signature to become law."